Insight Blog


Meditation is beyond the mind hence; we should feel our practice instead of intellectualize it. When I wake up in the morning do I move from thought alone or do I ground, feel myself beyond the minds triggers, fears, needs or desires.

If we take the time to meditate every morning we can move from awareness within the feeling realm beyond minds tendency for chaos. Am I taking the time to ground every morning?

“Meditate 15 minutes every morning for a week and report the difference this short time has made in your week”

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Through experience only will something move with us fully. It is the experience alone that stays with us and becomes sustainable as we move through our day and lives. When we stay open too and engaged in a healthy practice, we will simply increase the odds of having a moment of awareness, greater understanding or something that impacts us beyond our intellectual capacity. It’s within the feeling and experiential realms that we move from as it moves us.

Is my practice an intellectual one or one of feeling and being? Does my practice move with me?

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Our presence is a present. Living consciously allows us to move from a place of greater awareness.  Being mindful within each moment rewards us and the people around us. We can so easily find comfort in virtually connecting that we lose sight of our human connection.  We can make a conscious effort to be present; to put down are phones and say hello to a stranger or turn our phones off and connect with nature. Either way, its a good practice to connect with each other beyond technology.

None of these forms of media within this image shown could ever beat a HUG, Smile or moment of laughter with a friend or loved one.

How often am I looking at my phone through the day? Do I make efforts to connect with my loved ones and humanity beyond technology?

Disconnect to Connect ~ This is a great video that compliments the topic. Enjoy

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The world has shown us proof of non duality via science, spirituality, nature and other limitless examples; how everything is connected. As time goes on we realize the story of separation is simply that “a story” We are all connected with only words, perception and false fears creating the sense of duality. Feeling separate from anything can cause unnecessary suffering.

Do I have story of separation within myself, from others, this earth or my existence here? What is it within me that is creating a sense of separation? We can take the time to be in silence and feel beyond false perceptions or feelings of duality.

PRACTICE: Put your cell phone away for a day and meet the world. “Say Hello” to a stranger, get to know them, hear their story and bond.  Feel one, be one because we are one.

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Fear or pain, desire of pleasure. Pleasant is the ending of pain and painful the end of pleasure. They just rotate in endless succession. Investigate the vicious circle till you see yourself beyond it?

When we are suffering do we take the time to see and feel ourselves beyond the experience? What is my practice or relationship to fear or pain, desire of pleasure?

“Suffering is our teacher too”



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